Finnish Sports Federation Tampere Region (Hämeen Liikunta ja Urheilu ry):
We are one of the 15 Regional Sport Federations in Finland. In our area (geographical) of response lives app. 700 000 inhabitants and there are 34 municipalities and app. 600 sport clubs. Our main focus is on sport clubs and municipalities (public sector). We also work in close contact with the Health District in our area.
Our vision is to “create more physical activity among citizens in all age groups and social backrounds”.
Our mains tasks and goals are:
To support and develop the quality of everyday actions in Sport Clubs
- better administration and financial facilities
- more know-how in instructing and coaching
- to support volunteering
To support the physically active lifestyle in society in general
- more physical activity during school days
- physically active working places – less sitting during the working days
- physical activity as a tool in public health care system
To create better circumstances and facilities to do sports
- have on influence on policy makers and public officers
To support athletes – to create “athletes” trail inside the society
- to support the educational opportunities of the athletes
- to support cooperation between sport clubs, different Sport Federations and Associations to benefit athletes
These actions we put into practise in co-operation with sport clubs, sport governing bodies, municipalities (public sector), schools, Health Care District, research institutes, 3. sector organisations (NGO`s) and private companies.
Contact information:
Ari Koskinen
Secretary General
tel. +358 40 1721 302